La más reciente edición de la Copa Mundial de fútbol ha resultado un espectáculo bastante insípido, por no decir pésimo. Parece que las grandes estrellas dejan el alma en sus respectivos clubes y, cuando las selecciones nacionales de sus respectivos países los convocan, ya no tienen nada qué dar mas que desempeños con mucho qué desear. Dado que estos clubes les pagan en libras esterlinas y en euros, prefieren reservar su salud y sus energías para trabajar en el viejo continente, donde los aficionados pueden ver partidos de primera. Sin embargo, lo que aqueja a muchos afincionados es la pérdida manifiesta de la lealtad en muchos jugadores. Hasta donde sé, los futbolistas deben acudir a las convocatorias sin cobrar un sólo centavo, como un servicio a sus patrias. Es bien sabido, no obstante, que en los estadios pululan scouts de clubes y de firmas deportivas que evalúan el nivel de los jugadores para ofrecer contratos millonarios, por lo que éstos deberían mostrarse espectaculares. Pero por alguna razón esto no ha sido motivo suficiente. Los encuentros están llenos de jugadas truncas y los marcadores registran pocos, y con frecuencia cero goles.
A pesar del contexto tan poco alentador, el ascenso de equipos hasta ahora desvalidos parece interesante. Si bien varios de ellos han aprovechado los pocos golpes de suerte que se les han presentado, otros ya anunciaban mejoras inminentes y jugaron de manera excepcional. Tal es el caso de Estados Unidos, que en menos de veinte años ha progresado de manera radical, a tal grado que no perdieron ninguno de sus partidos de primera fase. No obstante fueron eliminados hace un par de días por Ghana, el único equipo africano que queda en las eliminatorias. Japón, digno de mencionarse, sigue en la lucha tras haber eliminado a los daneses. Pronto se enfrentará a Paraguay y, probablemente, las esperanzas plasmadas en la franquicia Captain Tsubasa se volverán realidad. Curiosamente, Francia e Italia, selecciones campeonas en mundiales pasados, dieron sus peores actuaciones de la historia, de ahí que México y Eslovaquia hayan logrado colarse a octavos de final. Es evidente que los conflictos internos con Raymond Domènech y su equipo dieron un resultado vergonzoso desde el inicio, pero sobre todo ante México, que decidió tomar ventaja de tan minada selección cuyo único objetivo era obtener la derrota y desacreditar a su entrenador. El campeón de hace cuatro años, Italia, olvidó por completo su jerarquía y se dio el lujo de perder, y empatar en el mejor de los casos, todos sus partidos, incluso aquellos amistosos previos al campeonato. Desde hace varias décadas Italia ha presumido de tener la mejor defensa del mundo, y ni siquiera el club más modesto de su liga contrataría jugadores mediocres. Pero todo eso se disipó la semana pasada y los eslovacos los superaron. En el último tercio del partido se dieron cuenta de lo que no habían hecho y comenzaron a anotar los goles que debieron haber acumulado desde el principio, pero la suerte no le sonríe a aquellos que le escupen en la cara. El padre decidió emborracharse en su triunfo pasado y se quedó dormido, totalmente desnudo, exponiéndose al juicio burlón y descarado de sus hijos menores. Eslovaquia los echó de la competencia, y también a la fosa de los leones. Pero la fortuna no le sonríe a todos los que merecen sus favores: España perdió ante Suiza y lo mismo le sucedió a Alemania contra Serbia, aunque por una diferencia de un sólo gol. Rooney y Lampard, las estrellas inglesas, tampoco tuvieron la oportunidad de brillar y tuvieron actuaciones grises, lo cual fnalizó en una disminución moral cuando, en su último partido, los errores arbitrales/arbitrarios les costaron un gol de ventaja, para ser vapuleados por los alemanes al final.
Tras un partido decepcionante (como siempre) contra Uruguay y apenas obtener su pase a la segunda ronda, la selección mexicana recibió la fatídica noticia de que Argentina, su verdugo en el mundial anterior, sería su rival de nuevo. La afición y los seleccionados comenzaron a prepararse para lo peor, cuyo proceso consiste en el autoengaño y en la comparación inútil de virtudes y defectos deportivos. La actitud de Maradona y sus jugadores, contraria al cliché del carácter argentino, fue mesurada. En ningún momento pensaron en emitir juicios ni en descalificar al rival. No obstante, las declaraciones de los mexicanos consistieron en comparaciones teóricas de las similitudes de los contrarios, pero jamás estuvieron seguros de su propia propaganda. Resintieron la poca fe de los aficionados pero Aguirre, en su última conferencia de prensa, se mostró totalmente cabizbajo; la batalla psicológica ya estaba perdida desde antes. México dominó el partido los primeros veinte minutos, pero perdió el control cuando el primer gol cayo a manos de Tévez, jugada que despertó gran polémica por haber estado en fuera de lugar (el que la hace, la paga). Todos los futbolistas mexicanos son predecibles: cuando tienen un gol en contra pierden el control fácilmente. Incluso Márquez, quien fue el capitán y quien jugó ocho temporadas en el FC Barcelona pero jamás pudo adquirir el estilo característico de los jugadores de tan grandioso club, recibió amonestaciones. El juego sucio a ultranza es su única medida de contingencia, pero Messi y compañía pertenecen a un nivel superior, en el que ninguna de estas tretas surte efecto alguno. La defensa mexicana se llenó de vacíos e Higuain marcó el segundo tanto antes del medio tiempo, y los mexicanos no hicieron más que golpear y empujar. Al inicio de la segunda parte, Argentina anotó el tercer punto a favor con un tiro magistral de Tévez, algo que no forma parte de las habilidades de los mexicanos. Messi desvió la atención de toda la defensa para colocar centros y alejar la concentración. Argentina decidió reservar energías para el próximo encuentro y mantuvo el control, mientras que México siguió el instinto que su condición de "ratones verdes" le indica: correr de manera difusa por toda la cancha sin tener la más remota idea de qué hacer, aunque en un intento deseperado lograron acertar un sólo gol. De nuevo, Argentina eliminó a México, pero, a diferencia del mundial de Alemania, los ratones no los hicieron sudar.
Resulta sorprendente el arrastre que tiene el fútbol en todo el mundo. Hay más países afiliados a la FIFA que a la ONU. De acuerdo con cifras oficiales, con el capital invertido para el campeonato del presente año varios países africanos podrían pagar sus deudas externas y les quedaría dinero de sobra. Las firmas deportivas más famosas generan tanto dinero que sería imposible tener cifras exactas sobre sus ganancias, pero seguramente dichas cifras serían más elevadas que el presupuesto nacional de varias naciones. Sus fábricas se localizan en numerosos países del tercer mundo (el sureste de Asia, África y casi toda Latinoamérica) donde no existen los derechos humanos, lo cual indica que, por desgracia, los obreros que trabajan en dichas plantas jamás perciben un sueldo justo, sin mencionar el aumento anual de la mano de obra infantil. Si en estas regiones no existen los derechos humanos, mucho menos habrá lugar para los derechos de los niños, quienes son enviados por sus padres a las maquiladoras para pagar deudas u obtener préstamos. De acuerdo con algunas fuentes, Adidas hace uso de esta fuerza laboral, algo que su rival, Puma, evita a toda costa.
El futbol es un fenómeno mediático tan gigantesco que produce millones en capital. Y qué decir sobre el aspecto sociológico. Ni las escuelas ni los ideales políticos logran crear tal concepto de unidad nacional como los partidos de fútbol. En el primer mundo, el encuentro clásico FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid tiene mayor contexto: RM tiene tanto dinero que puede comprar a los jugadores mas cotizados y restregárselo en la cara de los demás, aunque pierden con frecuencia; FC Barcelona ha demostrado que no se necesitan millones de euros ni carísimos metrosexuales para poder ganar los demás campeonatos. Real Madrid es para los pijos, FC Barcelona es para ricos y pobres. Real Madrid fue el equipo predilecto de Franco; FC Barcelona es el ideal independentista de una nación que, por más pequeña que sea,por sí misma está a la altura de cualquier país nórdico (Cataluña, al igual que Euskadi, produce más del 2% del PIB anual de toda España). En Gran Bretaña, la política no puede evitar inmiscuírse. El Celtic de Glasgow y los Rangers llevan la rivalidad a otros niveles, pues el primero representa a la población católica escocesa y de origen irlandés, mientras que el último representa el ideal protestante a favor del Reino Unido. Cuando Inglaterra juega, la ideología de los escoceses nacionalistas es "que gane cualquiera, menos Inglaterra". Para su desgracia, Inglaterra sí es superior a los escoceses e irlandeses en el campo, aunque pudieron regodearse en su eliminación de este campeonato a manos de Alemania.
En cuanto al tercer mundo (por ejemplo, América Latina), el aspecto sociológico tiene otra apariencia. Las masas se encuentran en total desventaja ante los círculos superiores, generando un sentimiento de inferioridad muy arraigado en la psique general. Gobiernos pasan, los cambios jamás llegan y el pueblo sólo espera. El fútbol es el único motivo por el cual las masas pueden adjudicarse la gloria de su selección nacional y disfrutarla. Con el triunfo de su equipo pueden olvidar su inferioridad económica y de castas, al menos por un rato. Ésto sucede con mucha frecuencia en Argentina y Brasil pues ambos, que ya han ganado campeonatos mundiales, exportan cientos de jugadores de primer nivel a los clubes europeos. Mucha gente cree que los países ricos generan los mejores atletas, pero si esto fuera verdad, Suecia hubiera participado en este campeonato. La habilidad futbolística ya es inherente en los jugadores argentinos y brasileños, así como la pasión por este deporte. México comparte una pasión similar, mas no el mismo nivel. Hay ochocientos futbolistas argentinos jugando alrededor del mundo. México no tiene más de quince. En cada campeonato, las masas mexicanas deciden autoengañarse cuando su selección masacra contrapartes inferiores, y llegan a creer que pueden llegar muy lejos, pero cuando enfrentan a equipos superiores, el espejismo desaparece, y las masas vuelven a decepcionarse. Las masas argentinas y brasileñas sí logran sentirse ganadoras por un rato; las mexicanas nunca. La diferencia es que las masas de los países campeones tienen mayor conocimiento del deporte del mundo. Sus equipos tienen mayor jerarquía, por lo que la pérdida de la misma es resentida de inmediato y reclamada por las masas. Cuando Brasil fue eliminado del campeonato anterior, los habitantes de la ciudad natal de Ronaldinho derribaron su estatua que erigieron en su honor por la victoria en Corea-Japón. Tras los fracasos, los jugadores argentinos se exponen a la crueldad de la prensa deportiva y al acoso de la afición, que va desde ser insultados en la calle hasta agresiones físicas. En Europa sucede lo mismo. Muchos directores técnicos se ven forzados a renunciar por los errores más mínimos, y los jugadores deficientes se convierten en parias a corto o largo plazo. ¿Quién no recuerda el penalty que Roberto Baggio falló hace dieciséis años en la final frente a Brasil? Lo último que se supo de él fue que no podía salir a la calle, y ya no volvió poner un pie en ninguna cancha. Los futbolistas saben que si acostumbran a sus aficiones a juegos de primera, se verán forzados a mantener su nivel. México, por su parte, jamás ha ganado nada. Quizá el rasgo distintivo entre el mexicano y el argentino o el brasileño es su propensión a la automitomanía. El mexicano prefiere caer en el autoengaño antes que reconocer su inferioridad en este deporte. Quizá finjan tener fe en sus equipos, pero en el fondo saben que fracasarán ante los grandes. Pero las masas son las únicas que pierden: tiempo, dinero, esperanzas; los futbolistas perciben de todas formas jugosos honorarios. Pero parece que se está olvidando un aspecto fundamental: la afición mexicana es el pueblo mexicano y, como se sabe, el pueblo mexicano no tiene memoria, al menos no a largo plazo. En el momento del daño protestará, levantará la voz, exigirá lo que es justo, pero al poco tiempo olvidará al causante de su frustración, e irá al aeropuerto a recibir a su equipo como si fueran héroes de guerra. Y esto volverá a suceder dentro de cuatro años, el fracaso se olvidará y los aficionados mexicanos querrán creer que pueden llegar a ser la Cenicienta con botines, cuyo carruaje es arrastrado por ratones que, por un corto tiempo, se convertirán en finos corceles. Los medios, fuertemente manipulados por el poder ejecutivo, se encargarán de difundir la mentira trescientas veces hasta que, en un descuido de los demás contrincantes, se vuelva verdad, y volverán a tropezar con la misma piedra. México sin memoria. México siempre fiel.
Die Schönste Krankheit des Weltalles
Mr. Murphy Says It Better
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010
viernes, 18 de junio de 2010
Gray Heights
In a long time ago, in a place that now seems to be a million miles away, I sat in a crowded room and wrote the last words to fulfill a cycle whose finale would come soon. Deception had stepped forward at me to make the call, but I didn't know what to do but look her in the eye and back away. Whatever the interpretation she could have made out from my answer I still ignore what would have been the most appropriate way to react to this, but such option was only to remain in the twilight zone of possibility. I felt somebody quite familiar was manoeuvering the events of that day by magical means for the last time.
Even if it was a matter of minutes, the rain outside seemed to fall for hours, just to clear the way for wind and hail, whose grinding sound on the rooftops worked as musical score for the afternoon. I couldn't help but thinking of Prospero, the banished duke who could handle weather and produce illusions at will by casting powerful spells. I had once been influenced by certain dreams I thought would eventually come true, yet the drive of dreams is quite penchant to be outgunned by reality and circumstances. Maybe I was still discouraged by the previous outcome, but, on other hand, dreams lose their magic when the become true. They stop being dreams. Maybe I would have not been able to bear the situation had I received what I expected. Prospero had already proved it, magic and reality are a weird couple whose marriage always wrecks due to irreconciliable differences. Still, I dedicated my last words to this wonderful sorcerer and the miracles he worked for us.
There was a place I wished to go to in that moment, it was outside in the rain, even if it was hailing; for reasons still unknown I didn't go there. I walked down the aisle just to meet my companions and stayed with them to look outside for the very last moments. Everything was normal until deception showed up and joined our waiting. We waited and waited and talked about any nonsense and laughed at some jokes about some people and we thought the garden would be a little swamp, a bayou as I remarked. She spoke another kind of nonsense and danced before me, as if trying to draw my attention closer to her reach again. How come I didn't go back to her? Sometimes I wonder what could have gone through her mind in that moment, but I wasn't even sure about my own thoughts. Should I have believed what I had already taken for granted (was there really something to take for granted?) Had she reacted so if I hadn't been around? I didn't want to be close to her and thought again about rain. Many people hate it, but they never notice it cleanses the atmosphere and leaves a clear sky behind it. If I stayed inside I would've had to face the illusions from the past.
Time ran out, so did the intensity of the rain. I stepped out and waved goodbye to the companions I would never see again. She was still around, but I had no interest in trying to read her expression. Reality had already dispelled the illusion, even if I still could see her. As we all were taking our leave I heard her talk about something she felt like doing, but we all were too tired to follow her. And I finally stepped into the rain, where I could wash off the remnants of shattered expectations, the layer of her longing she had wrapped me up in. Rain cooled my spirits and helped clear my mind.
As I walked away I kept thinking of Prospero's epilogue. The showers of that last day helped me unravel the true nature of what I wanted and cleared away the fog from my eyes. The days of power and magic were over, and those memories had been dragged to the gutters. It seems he drove me away from his magic for certain reason, or maybe he wasn't interested in subduing me to his power. Cold waters quenched the blaze of wishful thinking and deception would never touch me again. Rain made me new.
Even if it was a matter of minutes, the rain outside seemed to fall for hours, just to clear the way for wind and hail, whose grinding sound on the rooftops worked as musical score for the afternoon. I couldn't help but thinking of Prospero, the banished duke who could handle weather and produce illusions at will by casting powerful spells. I had once been influenced by certain dreams I thought would eventually come true, yet the drive of dreams is quite penchant to be outgunned by reality and circumstances. Maybe I was still discouraged by the previous outcome, but, on other hand, dreams lose their magic when the become true. They stop being dreams. Maybe I would have not been able to bear the situation had I received what I expected. Prospero had already proved it, magic and reality are a weird couple whose marriage always wrecks due to irreconciliable differences. Still, I dedicated my last words to this wonderful sorcerer and the miracles he worked for us.
There was a place I wished to go to in that moment, it was outside in the rain, even if it was hailing; for reasons still unknown I didn't go there. I walked down the aisle just to meet my companions and stayed with them to look outside for the very last moments. Everything was normal until deception showed up and joined our waiting. We waited and waited and talked about any nonsense and laughed at some jokes about some people and we thought the garden would be a little swamp, a bayou as I remarked. She spoke another kind of nonsense and danced before me, as if trying to draw my attention closer to her reach again. How come I didn't go back to her? Sometimes I wonder what could have gone through her mind in that moment, but I wasn't even sure about my own thoughts. Should I have believed what I had already taken for granted (was there really something to take for granted?) Had she reacted so if I hadn't been around? I didn't want to be close to her and thought again about rain. Many people hate it, but they never notice it cleanses the atmosphere and leaves a clear sky behind it. If I stayed inside I would've had to face the illusions from the past.
Time ran out, so did the intensity of the rain. I stepped out and waved goodbye to the companions I would never see again. She was still around, but I had no interest in trying to read her expression. Reality had already dispelled the illusion, even if I still could see her. As we all were taking our leave I heard her talk about something she felt like doing, but we all were too tired to follow her. And I finally stepped into the rain, where I could wash off the remnants of shattered expectations, the layer of her longing she had wrapped me up in. Rain cooled my spirits and helped clear my mind.
As I walked away I kept thinking of Prospero's epilogue. The showers of that last day helped me unravel the true nature of what I wanted and cleared away the fog from my eyes. The days of power and magic were over, and those memories had been dragged to the gutters. It seems he drove me away from his magic for certain reason, or maybe he wasn't interested in subduing me to his power. Cold waters quenched the blaze of wishful thinking and deception would never touch me again. Rain made me new.
miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010
I wish I could remember what I wrote to get over my finals, for I guess I made a kind of tour de force in order to turn in two papers for the very same day, as a kind of exchange for two final examinations. As I typed the conclusions for both essays I felt certain pride about them since I worked quite hard to fulfill such high expectations. Maybe I felt great about having forgotten my heart-out and wrote two worth-reading essays too, that is, I didn't flunk any of those subjects. I got rid of the previous failure and wrote on.
Obviously, one of the papers was better than the other. It dealt with the possibilities of alternative scenes in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, which only take place in the void of elliptical gaps, creating an interesting flow in theatrical structure that seems to go by only. Honestly, it was one of the best papers I turned in during my studies, not mention my professor found it acceptable. The other paper, in turn, was less better, though it deserves certain acknowledgement, since I wrote it for the same demanding teacher. I'm still surprised by the way I wrote things that had been already written before, yet he let that go and gave me a good note. I don't remember what it dealt with.
On that day I handed two final papers and did two exams on a row, but I don't remember uneasiness in the run. I just tried not to think of what I could feel due to the background I was in or of lacking oxygen and breaking down in the middle of the room. Rain and hail just kept hammering down but I stayed cool, as the weather outside. I'm not sure if, by the end of my final journey as a student, I had a headache--I was confused by other circumstances, though. Once I left the classroom I asked the professor for another sort of information, just to show some interest in the alternative project he had previously let us know.
When I left the building I realized about what I had just done and the pressure made me feel tired. I thought I could sleep for three days, but a friend of mine and I walked to the subway and took our separate ways. On my way home I never thought of the outcome of my effort. The futility in it was irrelevant and I could only plan the strategies to make my way out if my work failed to achieve its goal. In that moment nothing else mattered, just the things that would come then.
Obviously, one of the papers was better than the other. It dealt with the possibilities of alternative scenes in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, which only take place in the void of elliptical gaps, creating an interesting flow in theatrical structure that seems to go by only. Honestly, it was one of the best papers I turned in during my studies, not mention my professor found it acceptable. The other paper, in turn, was less better, though it deserves certain acknowledgement, since I wrote it for the same demanding teacher. I'm still surprised by the way I wrote things that had been already written before, yet he let that go and gave me a good note. I don't remember what it dealt with.
On that day I handed two final papers and did two exams on a row, but I don't remember uneasiness in the run. I just tried not to think of what I could feel due to the background I was in or of lacking oxygen and breaking down in the middle of the room. Rain and hail just kept hammering down but I stayed cool, as the weather outside. I'm not sure if, by the end of my final journey as a student, I had a headache--I was confused by other circumstances, though. Once I left the classroom I asked the professor for another sort of information, just to show some interest in the alternative project he had previously let us know.
When I left the building I realized about what I had just done and the pressure made me feel tired. I thought I could sleep for three days, but a friend of mine and I walked to the subway and took our separate ways. On my way home I never thought of the outcome of my effort. The futility in it was irrelevant and I could only plan the strategies to make my way out if my work failed to achieve its goal. In that moment nothing else mattered, just the things that would come then.
miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010
Weird Wishes
Everyone enjoys self-delusion in many ways. It appears as a kind psychollogical self-preservation strategy people's sticking to a faith, a wish, even a religious belief. Lately people want to believe their national team, however crappy and disappointing its usual performance in the pitch turned to be, will ever make it to the top, even if such team never gets over the heat rounds.
But we all enjoy wishful thinking because, in such environment, we can handle chances, all that could have been yet never came. We'd love to read through what was never told without vague hints, just to make out the most suitable meaning for us to grow self-esteem, or to comfort ourselves because reality bit quite sharp and the wounds we bear don't seem to heal in any way. I sometimes enjoy deluding myself about certain women. In my dreamt-up reality, one of them was the only one who, somehow, has loved me the most so far. Every now and then she shows up in my dreams, but the image of hers I can see is only a flashy overview to the naked eye of her looks (i.e. skin, hair, and eyes colour) but I can't make out the accurate frame of her features anymore. Even if I can barely remember her, her (re-)actions left a permanent footnote I still can't understand, thence my imagination tries to shape the things that happened. There is, however, a more special case I keep lingering on, though my imagination has to work overtime, since in it nothing but a shooting-star-like encounter happened. There is no day that goes by on which I don't think of her, of what could've happened had I dared to move close to her. Sometimes I wish I was beside her, lying in her arms. I know I will hardly meet her again and, luckily, she will be available. Sometimes I like to believe she was lonely and wanted me to go and save her. Sometimes I want to believe she still remembers me and, wherever she may be, she hovers above and guards me. My life does not orbit around a religious point of view per se, but occasionally I see her saying some protection prayers for me at night. In a kind of network she can trace my movements and grant me guidance everytime I need it so I won't get lost.
Sometimes I enjoy colouring my reality with nice pictures. If life is not beautifully enough furnished, I'll try to come up with something I can rely on every now and then.
But we all enjoy wishful thinking because, in such environment, we can handle chances, all that could have been yet never came. We'd love to read through what was never told without vague hints, just to make out the most suitable meaning for us to grow self-esteem, or to comfort ourselves because reality bit quite sharp and the wounds we bear don't seem to heal in any way. I sometimes enjoy deluding myself about certain women. In my dreamt-up reality, one of them was the only one who, somehow, has loved me the most so far. Every now and then she shows up in my dreams, but the image of hers I can see is only a flashy overview to the naked eye of her looks (i.e. skin, hair, and eyes colour) but I can't make out the accurate frame of her features anymore. Even if I can barely remember her, her (re-)actions left a permanent footnote I still can't understand, thence my imagination tries to shape the things that happened. There is, however, a more special case I keep lingering on, though my imagination has to work overtime, since in it nothing but a shooting-star-like encounter happened. There is no day that goes by on which I don't think of her, of what could've happened had I dared to move close to her. Sometimes I wish I was beside her, lying in her arms. I know I will hardly meet her again and, luckily, she will be available. Sometimes I like to believe she was lonely and wanted me to go and save her. Sometimes I want to believe she still remembers me and, wherever she may be, she hovers above and guards me. My life does not orbit around a religious point of view per se, but occasionally I see her saying some protection prayers for me at night. In a kind of network she can trace my movements and grant me guidance everytime I need it so I won't get lost.
Sometimes I enjoy colouring my reality with nice pictures. If life is not beautifully enough furnished, I'll try to come up with something I can rely on every now and then.
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Still Life
Lyrics: Joakim Montelius