Die Schönste Krankheit des Weltalles

Mr. Murphy Says It Better


miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009


Last night everything was perfect. My blood pressure fell and I felt my body totally worn out-it was a chilly night. I guess my anorexic era is charging me the bills. I couldn't stop trembling. As I moved around the place I bent. I didn't want to eat. It was perfect. You were the only one missing and everything would have been totally perfect. If you had been there to hold me in your arms everything would have been totally perfect.

1 comentario:

Diana dijo...

Yo sé de un remedio para esos asuntos de la anorexia. Se fuma y no es tabaco. Garantizado que funciona, si no, pregúntale a Nacho.

Still Life

Lyrics: Joakim Montelius